Watch how to 3D nest over 450 polymer parts for additive manufacturing

Serious about using polymers for additive manufacturing?

An extensive Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM) toolkit. Fast 3D nesting. Unrivalled automation capabilities. 3DXpert software supports every step of your 3D printing workflow for additive manufacturing with polymers.

Optimize parts

Improve part performance and aesthetics. 3DXpert’s DfAM toolkit makes it simple to lightweight and strengthen polymer parts using additive manufacturing.
Quickly add visual features such as textures and logos.

Prepare Builds

3DXpert is industry-leading software for build preparation. Enhance your plastic parts with additional functionality for polymer printing, including the fastest 3D nesting available. Streamline support generation (for relevant technologies), slicing, and direct printer connections.

Automate workflows

No coding knowledge? 3DXpert offers easy-to-use, non-programming visual scripting. Simply chain together the operations you want and run the script. Get more from your polymer printers with less effort.

Ensure Data Integrity

No more transferring files between software or converting models to STL. No more time wasted healing and fixing your STL files. 3DXpert handles the whole process for additive manufacturing with polymers, regardless of machine brand.

Additive manufacturing software for polymers.

Talk to us about your process for additive manufacturing with polymers.

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    Professional Additive Manufacturing Software

    3DXpert offers an integrated solution for 3D printing high-quality metal and plastic additive parts.

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