Oqton integrates EOS software for seamless additive manufacturing workflows

press-releaseOqtonNovember 6, 20203 minute read

San Francisco, CA – November 6, 2020 – Oqton, the one stop Industry 4.0 solution for the mid market, and EOS, the world’s leading technology supplier in the field of industrial 3D printing of metals and polymers, announce the deep integration of EOS software capabilities into Oqton™, an end-to-end production platform. This partnership enables an unprecedented tight connection of manufacturing software and hardware.

“I am impressed by the level of build preparation automation and increases in productivity that can be achieved by leveraging Oqton™ as MES and IOT platform. With that and the easy to implement high standard cyber security capabilities it is a unique cloud based solution and we are happy that EOS customers can now benefit from it.” said Martin Steuer, EOS’s SVP Software Division.

“Ben Schrauwen, Oqton’s CTO says “This integration was only possible because of the open software architecture of EOS products and the support through the EOS Developer Network (EDN), making it easy to use the EOSPRINT and EOSCONNECT APIs in our cloud platform. We were able to deeply integrate our AI-automated build preparation workflow directly to the EOS systems of our customers, allowing to drive, manage and track them directly from the cloud.”

Send 3D print jobs from the cloud directly to a 3D printer anywhere in the world, get alerts on your mobile device when a build is ready, deliver a full job quality report with every produced part and automatically optimize your nests and schedule build jobs to maximize machine utilization. The integration between Oqton™’s cloud manufacturing platform and EOS’ open hardware system has made it all possible. This is a great step towards full autonomous manufacturing.

Oqton’s AI-driven optimization captures best production practices, leading to improved quality and increased machine utilization, which results in significant increases in ROI for our mutual customers. For example, 100% automation can be achieved in dental and jewelry verticals, resulting in 30% overall cost reduction.

About Oqton

Oqton is solving today’s manufacturing challenges with an AI-powered factory operating system. Oqton™ is a cloud-based platform that links data across the manufacturing ecosystem – from design to production to logistics – and uses it to understand, optimize and drive these highly interdependent but traditionally siloed processes. The Oqton vision is to enable manufacturers to operate agile factories that manage complex product mixes with lower inventory and a simplified supply chain, all in an open cloud platform. Learn more and request a 1 month free trial at oqton.com.

About EOS

EOS is the world’s leading technology supplier in the field of industrial 3D printing of metals and polymers. Formed in 1989, the independent company is pioneer and innovator for comprehensive solutions in additive manufacturing. Its product portfolio of EOS systems, materials, and process parameters gives customers crucial competitive advantages in terms of product quality and the long-term economic sustainability of their manufacturing processes. Furthermore, customers benefit from deep technical expertise in global service, applications engineering and consultancy.


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